Radiological Benefit of Decontamination of Urban Settlements After a Radioactive Fallout: A Model Study
C.L. Rääf, R. Finck, J. Martinsson, M. Isaksson (Lund University, Sweden; Gothenburg University, Sweden)
Given that experience from Japan after the Fukushima fallout shows that decontamination measures of residential areas may take up to several years to achieve, we have estimated the added averted detriment for newborn children by decontamination measures for areas that have been evacuated as a function of return time. Estimations predict that the cumulative life-time attributable risk averted by decontamination decreases with a half-time of 2-3 y for a Fukushima type release. If the return time of the residents is more than 5 y after the fallout, decontamination contributes with 10-35% of the averted cumulative risk compared with performing only evacuation, assuming optimistic values for decontamination efficiency (90% dose reduction). The estimates are highly dependent on the effective ecological half-time of cesium (ranging from 3 to 20 y). If considered for the radiological benefits alone, our conclusion is that future decontamination programs be kept within a timeframe of 5 y.
C.L. Rääf, R. Finck, J. Martinsson, M. Isaksson (Lund University, Sweden; Gothenburg University, Sweden)