Creation of a Model of Waste Handling Within Recovery After a Nuclear Accident Using the System Dynamics Approach
A. Selivanova (SURO, Czech Republic; Czech Univeristy of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic)
A detailed model of waste management was created using methods of the System Dynamics. The model was a part of a complex system of a whole recovery process. A grassed meadow contaminated after a nuclear accident was considered. Relevant countermeasure scenarios were proposed for conditions in the Czech Republic. The model included e.g. fuel consumption within the waste transportation, labor costs, costs of personal protective equipment or decontamination of workers. Within simulations of selected countermeasures, volumes of produced radioactive waste and corresponding costs of handling were calculated. Moreover, waste management costs were compared with previous calculations carried out using a simple financial coefficient (in EURO per m3 of waste) only. In order to assess irradiation of workers and health impacts during the recovery process, obtained doses were estimated in each scenario and then mutually compared.
A. Selivanova (SURO, Czech Republic; Czech Univeristy of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic)
廃棄物管理の詳細なモデルが、システムダイナミクスの方法を用いて作成された。このモデルは全復興プロセスの複雑なシステムの一部であった。原子力事故後に汚染された牧草地が検討された。チェコ共和国の状態に対する関連対策シナリオを提案された。このモデルには廃棄物輸送中の燃料消費量、労務費、作業員の個人保護具や除染の費用が含まれた。選択された対策のシミュレーション内で生成放射性廃棄物の量や対応する処理費が計算された。さらに、廃棄物管理費を(廃棄物1 m3当たりのユーロ換算で)単純な財務係数のみを用いて行われたそれまでの計算結果と比較した。復興プロセスでの作業員の照射量と健康への影響を評価すべく、受けた線量をシナリオごとに推定し、相互比較した。