Comparison of the Thyroid Doses to the Public from Radioiodine Following the Chernobyl and Fukushima Accidents
S.M. Shinkarev (Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Russia)
The estimates of doses to the thyroid for the public from radioiodine intake following the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents are compared. The basis for thyroid dose estimates after the Chernobyl accident was a large set of measurements of the 131I thyroidal content for about 400,000 residents in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Due to a lack of direct thyroid measurements after the Fukushima accident (for slightly more than 1,000 residents) thyroid doses were estimated based on ecological models and are associated with much higher uncertainties than those based on direct thyroid measurements. Thyroid dose estimates for evacuees ranged up to 50,000 mGy (Chernobyl) and up to a bit more than 100 mGy (Fukushima). A huge difference between levels of thyroid doses to the public is mainly due to different dominant pathways of radioiodine intake: ingestion intake with fresh cows’ milk locally produced (Chernobyl) and inhalation intake of contaminated air (Fukushima).
S.M. Shinkarev (Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Russia)
チェルノブイリと福島の事故後の放射性ヨウ素の摂取による公衆の甲状腺に対する線量の推定値が比較される。チェルノブイリ事故後の甲状腺線量推定の根拠は、ベラルーシ、ウクライナ、ロシアの約40万人の住民を対象とした甲状腺の131Iの蓄積量の大規模な測定結果であった。福島事故後の甲状腺の直接測定値がなかったため(1,000人強の住民)、甲状腺線量が生態学的モデルに基づいて推定されたが、これは甲状腺の直接測定に基づくものよりもはるかに高い不確実性を伴う。避難者の甲状腺線量の推定値は、最大50,000 mGy(チェルノブイリ)から最大で100 mGyを少し超える(福島)までの範囲にわたった。公衆の甲状腺線量レベルに大きな差があるのは、主に地元で生産された牛の生乳の摂取(チェルノブイリ)と汚染された空気の吸入摂取(福島)という、放射性ヨウ素の摂取の優勢な経路の違いによるものである。