Passive Area Dosimetry Systems for Environmental Radiation Monitoring in the Framework of the EMPIR “Preparedness” Project
G. Iurlaro (ENEA, Italy), Z. Baranowska (CLOR, Poland), L. Campani (ENEA, Italy), O. Ciraj Bjelac (VINS, Serbia), P. Ferrari (ENEA, Italy), Ž. Knežević (RBI, Croatia), M. Majer (RBI, Croatia), F. Mariotti (ENEA, Italy), B. Morelli (ENEA, Italy), S. Neumaier (PTB, Germany), M. Nodilo (RBI, Croatia), L. Sperandio (ENEA, Italy), F.A. Vittoria (ENEA, Italy), K. Wołoszczuk (CLOR, Poland), M. Živanovic (VINS, Serbia)
The Passive Dosimetry WP of “Preparedness” project is aimed at the implementation of stable and reproducible procedures to measure ambient dose equivalent rates.
The results of a survey by the European Radiation Dosimetry Group shows that some of about 100 dosimetry services are neither traceable to primary dosimetric standards nor accredited and a variety of different measurement procedures and uncertainty calculation methods are used. The application of passive detectors for radiation protection is not trivial in the aftermath of nuclear and radiological accidents. In this work the parameters which may affect the dosimetric results of a passive dosimetry system are analysed and four European laboratories evaluated their uncertainties for ambient dose equivalent measurements.
Acknowledgements of funding: This project has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
EMPIR “Preparedness” プロジェクトにおける環境放射線モニタリングのための受動線量測定システム
G. Iurlaro (ENEA, Italy), Z. Baranowska (CLOR, Poland), L. Campani (ENEA, Italy), O. Ciraj Bjelac (VINS, Serbia), P. Ferrari (ENEA, Italy), Ž. Knežević (RBI, Croatia), M. Majer (RBI, Croatia), F. Mariotti (ENEA, Italy), B. Morelli (ENEA, Italy), S. Neumaier (PTB, Germany), M. Nodilo (RBI, Croatia), L. Sperandio (ENEA, Italy), F.A. Vittoria (ENEA, Italy), K. Wołoszczuk (CLOR, Poland), M. Živanovic (VINS, Serbia)
資金提供への謝辞:本プロジェクトは、参加国が共同出資するEMPIRプログラム及び欧州連合のHorizon 2020研究・イノベーションプログラムからの資金提供を受けた。